How do I join the Club?

Use the contact page of this site and send us an email (preferred). 
You can test the Club for a few rides and then you will be asked to sign up. 
A form will be sent, and you will be asked to pay a fee covering the licence with the Fédération Française de Cyclo Tourisme and the annual Club fee. You will need to answer a health questionnaire and provide an emergency contact number. 

Do I need a license to ride with the Club?

Not at first. You can ride along for up to three times to sample things. For insurance and liability reasons, you will then need to register and obtain an FFCT licence to keep riding with us.

I have a license from another Club, can I ride with the CCL?

Yes, but after three rides with us, we would like you to take the Club membership and pay your Club fee. This will give access to all the events that the CCL organizes. 

Will I find a group that rides at my level?

Yes. We all start from the same meeting point and groups form based on skills and average speed. There are four levels in the Club: from the fastest (Turbos), then Experts, Modérés, and the slower-paced (les Tamalous). Les Tamalous usually ride in the afternoon.  

You may also start with one group and drop off to finish with a slower group that will pick you up. We regroup at regular intervals and at the top of the climbs.

Contact the Club to evaluate your level with one of our members. 

Can I ride an Electric Bike??

Yes. Several riders ride electric bikes.  

What does the annual fee cover? 

The annual fee is split between the FFCT license cost and the Club membership. Most of your payment is paid to the Fédération Française de Vélo and also includes the insurance to ride with the Club. There are different price points for the insurance, some of which cover replacement of your bike (read the fine print). 
The membership fee is a small fraction of the total. This part covers the events organized throughout the year: parties, food and beverage during rides, annual banquet etc. 

Will I need to pay extra for some of the Club's activities?

Yes. This is the case for events out of the ordinary organized by the CCL : la Cyclo Montagnarde, la Randonnée des Terroirs, the annual excursions. Costs associated with these events are communicated ahead of time and members are free to participate or opt out. 

Does the CCL participate in events organized by other Clubs? 

Yes. We contribute to the network of clubs in the Occitanie region and choose events for which we try to be represented. These events are included in the annual calendar, and we organize our monthly program around the targeted events. 

I am not fluent in French. Will this prevent me from joining the Club?

Of course not! We pride ourselves of how diverse the Club is. You will find a member who speaks French, English, Dutch, Flemish, Spanish, and even Parisian French!

Biking is a great way to practice your French in a non-stress-generating environment. We highly recommend that you try to learn the basics as this will open a lot of doors in the area (where English is not commonly spoken). 

Can I know the itineraries of the rides in advance? 

All rides are posted at the beginning of each month. They can be uploaded to your GPS device in various formats .GPX etc. using the OpenRunner App. See the Riding with CCL page.

Can I show up for a ride? 

Yes, provided you wear a helmet, on any Wednesday and Saturday at the start time at the seat of the Club: 36 avenue Oscar Rougé in Limoux. Start time varies from month to month. Check the Weekly rides page. We are punctual! 

Can I get involved in the Club?

Absolutely! You are highly encourgaged. All our members are volunteers. The Club can only function if everyone pitches in. There will be many opportunities. Step up! 

What is the mandatory safety equipement?

A helmet is mandatory to ride with the Club. 

We highly recommend that you ride with lights as well, rear facing and also in the front. 

Our Safety Contact or any member of the Bureau will be happy to collect any safety comment you wish to make. 

See the Safety page and Who We Are for the contact names. 

Can youngsters ride with the Club? 

Yes but minors (under 18) must ride with a parent or duly designated guardian who will stay with them. They must also feel comfortable with the length, elevation covered and duration of the ride. They must be comfortable riding in a peloton as well as know and conform to Road Regulations. 

I am new in the area, whom should I contact?

You can use the contact link of this site, write an email or contact one of the members. Come join us on a Wednesday or Saturday and ask to be introduced to a member of the Bureau (executive group) or of the Comité Directeur (the Board) . 

See the pages Who We Are or Contacts.  

Puis-je contacter le Club en anglais?

Oui. Cela ne pose pas de problème. 

Can I contact the Club in English? 

Yes, we will respond in English. 

How am I kept updated on what is going on?

We communicate mostly by email and regularly update this site. Do read them! 

Oral announcements are also made at the start of the rides, on Saturdays for the most part.

Some rides are presented differently in the planning sheet; why? 

"Thematic" rides use roads that we do not regularly ride on. They are usually programmed on Saturdays. The start may not be from Limoux. We try to carpool departing from the usual start point in Limoux. Some prefer to drive directly to the start and that is also communicated (as well as the time to be there).

A regular ride will likely be also proposed for those who do not want to join. 

Other events may be communicated, usually on Sundays, when another Club organizes a different ride, and we choose to be represented.